Upwork接单教程(十七) – 简历优化之个人简介(Overview)篇

这一系列六篇文章将详细介绍简历上几个重要模块完善的细节. 本文是第三篇:Overview-个人简介

  • Photo : 个人头像

  • Title : 职业名称

  • Overview : 个人简介

  • Introduction Video : 个人视频推介

  • Skills : 技能列表

  • Portfolio : 作品/项目集



Overview 这一部分是向潜在客户推销你自己。如何说服客户为什么选择雇佣你而不是其他人;描述 你的关键技能独特的资历你服务过的客户类型,以及你最感兴趣的工作。 最重要的是简洁有效地阐述两个方面的内容:你能为客户做什么你具不具备客户需求的经验。 写之前可以尝试问自己几个问题:


在写Overview的过程中, 请把重点放在阐述特定类别的技能上,并把最重要的信息放在首位。

客户在搜索自由职业者的时候,Oveview 部分只有前两个或三个句子显在搜索结果页面上, 确保前两句话吸引客户的注意力,并突出你的专业知识和才能。


可以使用着重号来强调一些特定的领域; 如果使用详细清单但是没有样例来支撑,效果也不会太好。

高级技巧:你能给客户产生的价值相关的软实力,最后也可以用一句到两句话概括一下(例如,可靠、及时、快速的学习者等)。 不要在这个部分列举技能列表,技能列表会有一个专门的模块 : Skills 。


下面是一个优秀的 Overview 的示例供您参考,希望能对你撰写自己的Overview有所启发.自由职业者专业方向是 Web 开发。

I have 10 years of experience in both web and mobile software development. My current main area of interests is AngularJS single-page application development.

I have three years of experience in creating big and complex AngularJS projects (5 apps implemented so far). I will be happy to craft a state of the art product for you using the following techs: AngularJS, Grunt/Gulp, SASS/LESS, Jasmine, Karma, Traceur/Babel, Jade/HAML.

I am familiar with many others, but these are my favorite. I am an active opensource contributor and an author of relatively popular (400+ stars at Github and a retweet by Misko Hevery, father of AngularJS) routing library.

WEB BACKGROUND: I have wide knowledge of many modern technologies in web development stack -- from low-level networking protocols and system tweaking (debian, nginx) to server-side programming (PHP+Zend, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis) to client-side programming (HTML5 APIs, Javascript ES6, AMD, AngularJS).

I could solve the programming task of any complexity for you. I prefer developing complex and unique web services and/or user interfaces rather than creating simple websites which are similar to each other.

MOBILE BACKGROUND: I am the winner of the Android Application Contest conducted by VK.com in June 2012 (see below). Strong Java and C++ programming skills including low-level performance optimizations and memory management.

I not only know how to make an application work, but also know how to make it work fast and smoothly. Good knowledge of Android UI patterns and guidelines. I can prototype the application UI for you.

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3 thoughts on “Upwork接单教程(十七) – 简历优化之个人简介(Overview)篇

  1. 我注册完了想绑定派安盈,没有跳出来那个connect的提醒,是不是等我够了50刀之后才能绑定呢?

